Monday, August 4, 2014

Do you believe?

My shoulder is feeling a little better today. This is a huge blessing! This stupid shoulder injury has been a huge issue for me. I have felt beat down for weeks. I am glad to be on the mend...enough about that.

I have something I want to many of you know someone like the big girl in the photos below? I know some of you know me, but think about the other people you know...

Do you see their potential or just their big body? This is something I would like for you to think about. Before Camp Gladiator, I felt like there was no way I could do the things that I am doing now. In the photos above, I weighed around 385 or so pounds. People would describe me as the funny, big lady. Both descriptions would be accurate...I was big and sometimes funny. What you don't see is the hurt. It was more than physical pain, emotionally (behind the smile) I was a mess. I didn't feel like I was worth fighting for...this was 2008. Fast forward to 2014...what a difference.

Do you know someone like me? Do you value them? Do you support them? You might have said yes to all of that, but REALLY think about it. Do you REALLY believe that the fat girl/guy is able to change? Did you really believe me in January? I am not the fat girl in the photo anymore...someone looked past my body and saw my potential. I will never be able to thank this person enough, so I want to pay it forward...

That friend you have may say something about wanting to get in shape. Don't judge them, support them. They may really struggle and may want to quit. Don't judge them, support them. With the right support, the person that looks like my pictures above could begin to change into something different...

AND they are able to do things that seem impossible. Don't ever underestimate the people around you. My story is an example of how impossible things become possible with support.

Be blessed!

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